La Asociación de Prensa Extranjera en el Perú – APEP es una institución que existe por y para sus asociados, con la finalidad que todos los periodistas que la conforman puedan realizar su labor periodística con la mayor seguridad y tranquilidad posibles. Asimismo, siempre estamos atentos para ayudar a solucionar los problemas que puedan presentarse cotidianamente en las diversas instancias de las coberturas periodísticas.
>> Leer la publicación: Peru's battle against illegal mining far from over.
Freelance journalist and mining writer based in Lima, Peru. Starting her journey into journalism as a mining and metals correspondent in Peru for Business News Americas she soon became a specialist in the field and has since completed a diploma in Management of Mining companies and a second in Resource Development Conflict Management. After working exclusively for Business News Americas just shy of a year, she was headhunted to spearhead the Latin American mining coverage of recently merged SNL Metals Economics Group (now SNL Metals & Mining following a second merger). Her work with SNL Metals & Mining includes exclusive interviews, features and analysis of the mining, metals and energy sectors.
A particular interest in private-public collaboration in trade and industrial development has led her to expand her freelance work to other sectors – with a specific focus on trade policy and intra-sector collaboration – and is bringing her to Geneva to partake in the International Organization MBA program at the University of Geneva.